Ark Consulting
Ark Consulting
2189 N Rt. 83
Round Lake Beach, IL 60073
Tel: 888-823-6711
Local SEM - WebSite Marketing For The Small Business
Your Website's Not Found and You're Losing Sales
But that's really not your fault. You’re busy. In fact you’re very busy.
Running a brick and mortar business is hard work. There's usually stock to get in, employees to guide, customers or clients needing your help, and a list of to-do’s a mile long..
And, at the end of every week or every month there's a HUGE wad of cash you must pay out in expenses.
If your turnover drops below a certain level you start losing money. I’m sure you are all too aware of the issues.
But here's a frightening fact. It is actually uncommon for business owners to keep up with marketing efforts, especially those involving Web sites and the Internet.
The reason is simple. You are run off your feet just trying to keep the business running. You don't have the time to take a long hard objective look at the way you could improve your web site marketing strategy.
But, I know that you are acutely aware that anything that improves your net profits helps to keep your business humming and puts real money in your pocket. Because of that, I think you can find time for someone who is genuinely interested in making you more money and has the skill to do it.
Many business owners have already thrown away a ton of money on websites that might look pretty (or even darn ugly) and never bring them any significant sales...never improve their sales process one bit! They told you that you needed a Website. Sure, but that is just 1/3 of the story. What you really need is a website that people (prospects and customers) can find, and when they do find it, they like what they see and want to come back!
In fact, I spoke with the owner of a security equipment company who was charged over $5,000 and a big monthly fee for a website that not only did absolutely NOTHING for his security systems business, his site was banned by Google for search engine spamming! Of course, this was no fault of the owner. Put simply, he was ripped off.
I’m here to help you make money and to save you from being ripped off.
I may be the only consultant who will tell you the truth about you website and internet marketing efforts. I’ll be there to help you get a real return on your advertising and marketing budget, a return you can see in real profits.
Real results through web site marketing and search engine optimization.
© Copyright Ark Consulting, 2009
