Clicks 'n Visits
Clicks 'n Visits
230 Mansfield Way
Roselle, IL 60172
Phone: 312-970-WORD

Buzzwords have been a staple of marketing creativity since before the time indoor plumbing was considered a new technology. Over 2,500 years ago it took a marketing genius to convince the masses doing personal business inside the home was not only possible but more sanitary than using the more traditional outside facilities to conduct one's duty. Could you imagine the marketing slogans used for that campaign? We could all have fun with that one.

Today the wide spread use of search engines has brought the idea of the buzzword to a whole new level. In years past it was the marketer who engineered the buzzword and pushed it onto the consumer hoping for it to catch on. Nowadays it is the consumer who tells the marketer what the word is. The consumer describes his interests to us from the keywords he searches for on a daily basis. This of course is a fabulous evolution for the business owner and marketer. The consumer, unsoliceted, is finally telling us exactly what he wants.

Clicks 'n Visits can help you discover the relevant keywords in today's marketplace and turn that knowledge into customers for your business. Using search marketing strategies designed by the industry's leading experts from the SEMPO Institute, Clicks 'n Visits can develop and execute campaigns for:

â– eCommerce
â– Lead Generation
â– Traffic Generation
â– Publishing
â– Customer Acquisition
â– Customer Retention

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