1622 4th Street
Peru, IL 61354
815-223-1052 (Phone)
815-223-0791 (Fax)
800-352-7018 (Toll Free)
Illinois internet access service provider (ISP) IVNet offers a variety of internet access service types in the Illinois Valley and surrounding areas including BPL (broadband over powerlines) internet, high speed dial-up internet, dial-up internet, wireless internet, fiber optic internet, dedicated leased lines and high speed T1 internet access.
Our customer support is available to you online, by email and by phone. We also offer search engine optimization and marketing services to help you rank high. We at IVNet would like to serve you for all your internet needs. Call us for a consultation on what service best fits your needs.
Website Marketing
Every great site needs to be promoted. Let us help you do the sales and marketing and we will leave running the business up to you!
How can your business participate?
•Premium Listing/Link and or Logo on IVNet’s Business Page
IVNet provides an online listing of local businesses in the community. As an ISP, IVNet generates valuable resources for your business locally by listing with them.
•Rotating Banner on IVNet’s Business Page
IVNet provides a logo at the top of the business page that rotates your logo continuously, further enhancing your companies branded image.
•Banner rotation on IVNet’s Business Spotlight (IVNet Home Page)
Having a rotating listing on IVNet’s Virtual Spotlight gives businesses access to over 9000 viewers each day. Think of the cost of a classified listing in the local newspaper. How many are actually seeing your logo. With IVS, you have worldwide access for a fraction of the cost of traditional media.
•Register with search engines
Over 85% of web surfers use search engines and directories to find what they need. If you already have an existing website, we will work with you to submit your site to top search engines. Contact us to get you registered.
•Create a personal e-mail address
Are you looking to start small and grow your home-based or small business? A personalized e-mail account may be the perfect answer for you. Make a great first impression and be sure customers, contacts and family can find you.
Copyright © IVNet 2002-2009
