Innovation Design
Innovation Design
29w455 Garden Drive
Bartlett, IL 60103-9634
Phone: 630-302-0914
Fax: 630-597-2541
Innovation Design is a website design and development company that was formed to service the needs of the Small Business community. Generally, small business owners themselves do not have the technical skills, expertise and knowledge of how to build a professional website that will attract customers to the services and products they provide. They are interested in focusing their time on essential core operating functions to ensure their business thrives in a very competitive marketplace.
Innovation Design caters to Small and Intermediate Business Professionals. We are committed to the idea of building partnerships in success with these business professionals. Foremost, we understand that in order for our company to be successful, our clients and customers must be successful first!
As professional partners, the business relationship with our clients is built through quality communication and collaboration - "A Culture of Learning and Teaching." While this sounds like a lofty goal, it is the principle and essence that makes for a successful joint venture. Our reasoning is, before we can create an internet presence for a client, we first must learn the business needs and goals of that individual. Moreover, after the design and development process has been completed, our clients must measure the success of the website to determine if it is actually meeting their goals and expectations.
Building an Internet presence must provide patron attraction, ease of use, ability for the client to easily maintain the website’s content, and be cost effective for the goals and needs identified for the business.
We ask you to peruse the contents of this site, and Contact Us for a more in-depth discussion on what we can offer you. Request a FREE consultation now.
Copyright © 2009 - Innovation Design
