James Street Associates, LTD
James Street Associates, LTD
P.O. Box 298
Blue Island, IL 60406
p. 708-371-0110
f. 708-371-1979
You want your customers to understand what you do in the b2b world of transportation and supply chain management. And that you do it better than your competition.
James Street Associates, a specialized logistics advertising agency, helps cultivate a relationship between you and your supply chain market. This market encompasses decision makers and the people who influence the decisions.
The strategic marketing process at James Street begins with your business goals. As a transportation marketing agency, we lay a foundation of brand awareness and credibility that your sales force can use to build quality leads; a foundation for profitable and satisfying customer relationships.
James Street team members approach your goals creatively. The tools we use include strategic planning, the Internet, sales literature, the press, and the mail.
Starting with a thorough analysis of your market and the publications that reach it, the team at James Street creates a strategy for developing positive and consistent publicity for your logistic and transportation public relations. Your program may include a schedule of news releases, case studies and story pitches about your company's successes, as well as interview opportunities to spotlight your key players. Want to meet the media? As a specialized logistics marketing agency, we are on a first-name basis with most of the writers and editors in the logistics/supply chain media, and can arrange a press conference or an informal get-together to discuss newsworthy developments in your firm.
Web Development
Your site is out there representing your company 24/7 but is it performing to its maximum potential? Does it represent your high corporate standards? Is it effective in bringing you new business leads? Let's talk transportation emarketing! We'll show you how design, programming and search engine optimization all play a critical role in the return you realize from your online investment. We're highly-skilled in transportation Internet design!
With a targeted ad program developed by James Street, your print and electronic ad messages reach exactly the readers you need to influence. We research the publications, negotiate the deals and then make sure the ads are placed like clockwork. Our ad programs include lots of value-added exposure. And benchmarking studies show just how effective your investment has been a wonderful tool for planning the next year's program.
Integrated Program
The impact of a Web site, news coverage, ads, direct mail and collateral grows exponentially with the power of an integrated marketing program. At James Street, we understand the industry, its people and its media. We also run an extremely efficient shop, using an effective system that has successfully served clients for over 15 years. Combine all that with our dedication to your brand and you have a formula for success.
Collateral Design & Production
Designing such pieces as a transportation logo, brochure, newsletter and other collateral material that effectively support your sales team, is one of our specialties. Whether you need a quick hand-out for a trade show, or a luscious full-color capabilities brochure, James Street has the creative talent and print experience to deliver an unforgettable message.
Consulting, Company Branding & Strategy
Members of our team have been developing strategies and programs that get results for over a quarter century. We know what works and what doesn't. And we have the industry knowledge you need to speak forcefully and effectively to your buyers. Take advantage of our experience and move your marketing programs to the next level of brand awareness. We even specialize in brand marketing online.
