R.N. Johnson & Associates
R.N. Johnson & Associates
Creative Marketing
113 E. Van Buren Street
Woodstock, IL 60098
Phone: 815-337-4461

In a global economy, to be creative about marketing you must see beyond surface realities. You must be connected to the core idea of the product and how it is brought to market. Your most powerful marketing concept should originate from a fundamental truth. Creative Marketing means finding new ways for a product or business to thrive under new market conditions.

It is important to find the most stable, practical and sustainable approaches to marketing. We believe in helping our clients ride the waves in today’s economy. We focus on them by:

1.Planning for their success;
2.Helping them attain a sustainable competitive advantage;
3.Finding the right blend of traditional advertising and online marketing;
4.Celebrating and communicating their brand.

Founded 1950 on LaSalle Street in Chicago, R.N. Johnson Advertising devoted its early resources and talent to a fast growing world of electronics, travel, and business-to-business advertising. The Agency offered creative strength, financial stability and a solid reputation in local and national media. Some of our past clients include Loyola University Medical Center, Tellabs, Outside Magazine, Mr. Travel, Newark Electronics, Himmelstein & Company and Topcon Midwest (see current Portfolio).

Gregory R. Johnson assumed control of the Agency in the 1990's and began moving from a traditional advertising agency model, to a more broadly defined approach that coupled advertising, sales collateral, direct response, digital design, Web development and strategic planning. As Web priorities continued to evolve, the Agency developed a core list of online marketing capabilities.

The Agency has always believed in marketing with strength, simplicity and persuasiveness in communicating an essential message. We believe in total communication and stress the value of an organic, integrated approach to marketing.

Traditional Marketing:

•Digital Design
•Direct Response
•Direct Mail
•Brochures / Sales Collateral
•Strategic Planning
•Campaign Development

Online Marketing:

•Web Development
•Blogging and Leveraging The Blogosphere
•Email Marketing
•Conversion and Landing Page Design
•Search Engine Optimization
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